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Quie, Carlson and Ramstad speak

Today, MPR reporter Curtis Gilbert attended a symposium hosted by Growth and Justice, a liberal economic think tank.

The event was billed as "Minnesota's Progressive Republican Tradition: A History of Investing for Real Prosperity" and featured speeches by three moderate Minnesota Republicans: Gov. Al Quie, Gov. Arne Carlson and Rep. Jim Ramstad.

Curtis is working on a story about the event (I'll post the audio when it's available), but for now, here is the full audio of the speeches.

Quie, who was governor from 1979-1983, spoke on love in politics and the need to work together despite differences:

Carlson, governor from 1991-1999, expressed his concern about foreign policy, the growing deficit and the erosion of newspapers:

Nine-term Congressman Ramstad, talked about the need for moderate Republicans to work in a bipartisan way in order to practice common sense politics:

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