Chuck Palahniuk's 'Choke'

In "Choke" Victor (Sam Rockwell) is a historical re-enactor who makes his real money by choking in restaurants. He has found the people who 'save' him find new purpose in their lives and send him money. However writer Chuck Palahniuk who wrote the novel on which the film is based says Victor is just trying to find himself.
Image courtesy Fox Searchlight Pictures

In 2002 Chuck Palahniuk talked to MPR's Euan Kerr about the novel, and his earlier success "Fight Club."

Palahniuk's work often deals with the darker side of life. Indeed Victor himself believes he is a horrible person. He goes to sex addicts anonymous meetings, but usually just to meet women. He has made passes at almost all the female staff caring for his mother who is in the latter stages of dementia.

In 'Choke' Anjelica Huston plays Victor's mother who is suffering from dementia and slowly dying in a mental hospital. She doesn't recognize him, always believeing he is one of the many lawyers in her life.
Image courtesy Fox Searchlight Films

He has also become so good at the choking scam he can pick out the best victim even as he stumbles around a restaurant clutching his throat.

However Palahniuk told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr ultimately Victor just wants to belong.