Pioneer Press receives envelope labeled anthrax

St. Paul police and the FBI are investigating another envelope containing a suspicious white powder labeled "anthrax" that was mailed to the St. Paul Pioneer Press this weekend.

The envelope also contained a CD with a photo of Colin Powell labeled "Anthrax Shock and Awe Terror" and a white, sugar-like package taped to the top labeled "anthrax" and "biohazard."

The incident follows a string of anthrax scares at other newspapers across the country, including the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Police reported the Star Tribune received a package labeled "anthrax" on Thursday.

Pete Crum of the St. Paul Police department says the department is working with the FBI, the Postal Inspector and the Minnesota Department of Health to test the powder.

"The St. Paul police and fire responded to the Pioneer Press building. Initial tests showed it to be sugar. It will be sent on to the department of health for further testing," said Crum.

The FBI arrested a California man on Wednesday on suspicion of sending more than 120 hoax anthrax letters nationwide.

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