Scribes poked fun at last great Minnesota recount

Gov. Rolvaag
DFL Gov. Karl Rolvaag in his office, 1963. Rolvaag won election over incumbent Republican Gov. Elmer L. Anderson by 91 votes, after a recount that took 139 days.
Photo courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society


We're counting over the votes from Dover,
From St. Paul and Black Duck, too.
Some are for Elmer, for Rolvaag, the rest.
We're counting, recounting. We're doing our best.

But though we record them, as we blackboard them,
We know that there'll be more change.
So, we're counting over the votes from Dover
And those from the Iron Range.

As we're recounting, the vote is mounting.
We constantly change the score.
One day it's Elmer who is in the lead.
The next day it's Rolvaag who's picking up speed.

What causes these switches is sons of bitches,
Who can't hardly count to ten.
So, we're counting over the votes from Dover,
And counting them once again.

Here's ten for Rolvaag and nine for Elmer,
Or is it the other way?
Let's check the record to see what it shows.
How it got screwed up so, nobody knows.

You bet we'll keep lookin' to see what's cookin'
'Til someone comes out on top.
We'll be polling and recount rolling.
In fact, we won't ever stop!
We'll be polling and recount rolling.
In fact, we won't ever stop!

(Thanks to the Minnesota History Center for sharing its recording of the 1963 Gridiron Dinner.)