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The Daily Digest: 12-2-08

As the recount continues, the latest numbers from the Secretary of State's office show Democrat Al Franken is ahead in the actual vote totals but GOP Sen. Norm Coleman leads in the head to head vote comparison.

The Franken campaign says it will also start withdrawing some challenges. AP and the Star Tribune have stories.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of State's office released many of the challenged ballots for public scrutiny.

The Franken campaign is still concerned about missing ballots.

Franken's attorney also hopes the rejected ballots close the gap.


BREAKING NEWS! We were in a recession since 2007.

The Dow makes a big drop.

Governors are pushing for the stimulus bill by inauguration. They (including Gov. Pawlenty) will meet with President-elect Obama today in the great fighting city of Philadelphia (Home of the World Champion Philadelphia Phillies).

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar pushes a huge jobs plan.

Layoffs loom as the Iron Range feels the pinch of a tough economy.

Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak calls for a hiring freeze in city government.

The down economy is also hitting day care providers.


AP looks at Obama's inner circle.

Obama releases his donor list.


Minnesota is on the cusp of losing a seat in Congress. AP, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

Groups are gearing up for the Census count in 2010.

Laq Qui Parle and other counties get federal aid.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar continues her jobs tour.

State Government

Lawmakers say the looming budget deficit may force them to shelve ideas for health care and education.

The new math test could send graduation rates down. The Star Tribune and MPR have stories.