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The Daily Digest: 1-14-09

Democrat Al Franken is asking the Supreme Court to force Gov. Pawlenty and Secretary of State Mark Ritchie to sign an election certificate declaring him the winner of the U.S. Senate race. Meanwhile 64 Franken voters filed a lawsuit calling for the court to require elections officials to count their votes. MPR, the Pi Press, AP and the Star Tribune have stories.

Meanwhile, Sen. John Kyl (R-AZ) is warning Democrats against seating Franken until GOP Sen. Norm Coleman's election contest is settled. Here's Kyl's speech.

Republicans, however, conceded during negotiations over committee assignments that Franken will be seated.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar's office is seeing increased traffic now that Minnesota has only one sitting senator.

2009 Legislature

The governors of Minnesota and Wisconsin are exploring ways that the two states can save money by sharing. One thing the two governors couldn't share is a plane. Gov. Pawlenty said he considered the option of flying commercial but using the state plane at a cost of several thousand dollars was cheaper since other staff members were also on the trip. The Pi Press, the Star Tribune, Forum Communications and MPR have stories.

DFL Rep. Paul Thissen (who's also running for governor) wants to allow the unemployed to immediately be available for temporary MinnesotaCare.

Thissen will also hold a news conference today calling for people to save tax free for long term care. The Pi Press has a preview.

A growing number of dislocated workers presents a funding challenge for the state.

11,000 Minnesotans keep their food stamp eligibility.

AP says states are looking to sell of roads and parks to balance budgets.

The American Lung Association says the state doesn't cough up enough cash for tobacco prevention.

AP says a state bond sale goes better than expected.

Politico says Gov. Pawlenty is part of a group of GOP governors urging action on global warming.

The MPCA wants to snuff out rural burning.

The state fines a beef processing firm for dumping waste into a ditch.


Obama's Treasury pick didn't pay some taxes.

Fed Officials say banks need more taxpayer money.

Confirmation hearings in the Senate focused on Obama's picks for Secretary of State, Education, Budget Director and Energy.

MinnPost says Minnesota's Congressional delegation is poised to shape the next stimulus.


Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak says he's running for reelection. He says he won't rule out a possible run for governor. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.