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The Daily Digest: 1-16-09

Gov. Pawlenty called for cuts to spending and business taxes in his seventh State of the State. It's safe to say DFLers weren't impressed. MPR, the Pi Press, the Star Tribune, AP, Forum Communications, MinnPost and the St. Cloud Times have stories.

He also proposed more school funding but with strings attached. The Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

Marc Ambinder says Pawlenty's speech could help him on the national political stage.

The Star Tribune says cities are relying more heavily on property taxes to keep functioning.

Minnesota regulators approve the Big Stone II power plant. AP and Forum Communications have stories.

The Legislative Auditor criticized the DNR for its spending policies.

A report shows a growing number of errors are occurring in hospitals.

2008 U.S. Senate race

Attorneys for Al Franken and Norm Coleman will meet behind closed doors this morning to discuss how the trial will work out.

The three-judge panel will decide on the timeline for the election contest of the U.S. Senate race. MPR, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

Democrat Al Franken wants the trial to be quicker than what Republican Norm Coleman is requesting.

The media want cameras and recorders in the courtroom of the Senate trial.

The Senate says Coleman can keep his office until February 4th.

Franken will hold a fundraiser when he's in Washington next week.

Norm Coleman surfaces to be on a conservative radio talk show.


President Bush delivered his final speech to the nation on Thursday night. He said he acted in the nation's best interest.

Obama's nominee for Attorney General tells Senators that waterboarding "torture." Eric Holder said he also made a mistake on the Marc Rich pardon.

Roland Burris was sworn in to replace Obama. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

The second phase of the TARP funds were released by the Senate.

The Hill says DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is not taking a backseat on the second stimulus package.

The second stimulus plan will get little GOP support. GOP Rep. John Kline is mentioned.

Kline writes an op-ed criticizing card check.


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There will not be a Digest on Monday. Have a nice weekend.