MAC to consider new deal for Northwest HQ

Passengers at MSP
Passengers arrive at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport.
MPR photo/Tom Weber

Minnesota's largest air carrier is about to strike a new deal with the Metropolitan Airports Commission.

The state gave Northwest Airlines more than $400 million in loans and incentives in the 18 years before it was acquired by Atlanta-based Delta Airlines.

The airline's acquisition by Atlanta-based Delta last year has the combined carrier back at the bargaining table with the Metropolitan Airports Commission.

A tentative agreement includes a smaller 10,000-job guarantee through 2016, and a 400 daily flight minimum through 2020. The company also agreed to keep eight business functions in Minnesota, according to MAC spokesman Pat Hogan.

"Those functions include the Delta north headquarters, Mesaba and Compass airline headquarters, pilot and flight attendant bases, reservations centers in Chisolm and the Twin Cities, the data center, pilot training center and their MSP operations staff," said Hogan.

The Airports Commission is scheduled to consider the deal at its meeting today at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport.

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