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The Daily Digest: 1-26-09

The recount trial begins today in Minnesota's long-running U.S. Senate race. MPR, the Star Tribune, WCCO and the Washington Post have stories.

The Pi Press says this could be the last stage in the process.

AP has a Q and A about the lawsuit.

The burden on the trial falls on Coleman.

Coleman wants more ballots counted.

2009 State Budget

Gov. Pawlenty will deliver his budget proposal on Tuesday. Pawlenty will appear on MPR's Midday today at 11 AM. DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher and

GOP House Minority Leader Marty Seifert

(I'm told Seifert will be on Wednesday) will be on MPR's Midmorning at 9 AM.

On Friday, Pawlenty said money from the proposed stimulus package could help, but not solve, Minnesota's budget problems.

ECM previews the budget.

MPR has a story on whether the timing is right to cut corporate taxes.

Some lawmakers warn that a deepening recession could harm education.

The Star Tribune says the state has fewer auditors, which has led to expensive abuses.

AP says the economic downturn could mean givebacks for businesses participating in JOBZ.

Meanwhile, dozens of education related bills have been filed at the Capitol.

Fox9 says charitable gambling is down.

The Pi Press looks at a new way for schools to pay the retiree bill.

State Government

Minnesota Democrats will push a children's health insurance bill.

The MAC will consider a new deal for Northwest headquarters.

The Obama Administration may give states power to regulate auto emissions standards.

The state asks parents to make sure their kids are vaccinated for HiB.

The State Demographer says Minnesota's workforce is graying.

Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson is warning of debt assistance scams.


Ramsey County is already planning on how to spend federal stimulus money.

The gasoline tax isn't fully filling the federal highway fund's tank.


Former House Minority Leader Matt Entenza is running for governor.

2012 Watch

Gov. Pawlenty is headed to Virginia on Thursday for the House Republican Conference.