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The Daily Digest: 2-10-09

Minnesota Red Bulls are packing their bags for Iraq. Godspeed.

The Swamp (used to be named Congress)

The Treasury Chief will release his fix for foreclosures/bank bailout later today.

President Obama says the stimulus is vital to avoid a "catastrophe."

The bill passed a crucial vote in the Senate.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz worries about the cuts made to the bill by the Senate.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann wonders whether you would rather have a check.

WCCO quotes an economist who says that's a horrible idea.

The Iron Range hopes the bill will jumpstart the mining industry.

The White House will name a staffer to deal with Tribal Issues.

The AFL-CIO says green jobs have to be "good jobs" in a blog post. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison is mentioned.

State Budget/Legislature

States are being forced to delay their budgets as they wait for the stimulus package.

DFLers propose a "people's bailout." They don't say how they'll pay for it.

DFL Rep. Tina Liebling says tax increases should be on the table.

DFL House Majority Leader Tony Sertich writes an op-ed saying Gov. Pawlenty's budget mortgages the state's future.

I forgot to post this excellent Pi Press story on the problems with reaching the 20% ethanol mandate.

The Star Tribune says state law forbids city and county officials from taking a pay cut.

A bill in the Legislature would make it more difficult to change the state constitution.

Proposals pour in for spending on prairies and wetlands.

Fraudulent charges by state-paid caregivers challenge lawmakers.

2008 U.S. Senate Race

The recount trial resumes. Judges ponder Franken's objections that the trial is moving too slowly. KARE, AP and the Star Tribune have stories.

A Dakota County Elections official says some absentees were wrongly rejected.

The campaigns also agree not to count late arriving ballots. The Pi Press and MinnPost have stories.

Franken and Coleman write op-eds on the stimulus bill.

Coleman tells a conservative radio show host "God wants me to serve."


Mark Dayton criticizes Gov. Pawlenty for taking a trip to Munich to attend a Security Conference. Pawlenty responds but makes a major geographic boo boo.


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