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The Daily Digest: 2-20-09

A $1 billion bioscience project is in the works for the Rochester area. Gov. Pawlenty won't comment on the plan but said, "I don't want to speak for them, but if they can get a few more items lined up, that's something you'll be hearing more about in the coming weeks and months."

WCCO says Gov. Pawlenty has to make a formal request for the stimulus dough.

Some GOP governors will reportedly reject the money.

Minnesota schools stand to receive $1.1 billion from the stimulus.

Road projects created by the stimulus will begin in May.

The House and Senate held several hearings across the state last night to take input on the budget. There were hearings in Mankato, Willmar, Rochester and St. Cloud.

Additional hearings will be held today.

The Minnesota House passes a measure that would prevent the hiring of a Revenue Commissioner that has tax problems.

Lawmakers propose a bill to put tighter regulations on sulfide mining. Opponents of the bill say it's horrible timing since Minntac just cut 590 people.

Senate Republicans may be left without a Chief of Staff now that the Minnesota Senate has imposed a wage and hiring freeze. The GOP was prepared to hire a staffer next week and say the freeze was retaliation for proposing a 5% pay cut and other matters.

The proposal also includes a voluntary pay cut for state lawmakers.

Gun control advocates try again for background checks on all handgun and semiautomatic weapon purchases.

A bill would allow teen drinking on some occasions.

Gov. Pawlenty touted his budget proposal in Brainerd.

He also named a judge in Duluth.

Education Commissioner Alice Seagren outlined Pawlenty's education proposals during a visit to Bemidji.

The Economy

The Dow drops to its lowest level in six years.

Best Buy cuts staff.

KTTC says the "Buy American" provision could hurt local companies.

Ethanol backers tell state lawmakers that they can add jobs.

The Swamp

The New York Times says lawmakers are pushing legislation that would allow people to sue device makers. A 2008 U.S. Supreme Court ruling barred lawsuits against devices approved by the F.D.A.

Burnsville's mayor will meet with President Obama today.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar talked about the stimulus package and alternative energy in Duluth.

KSTP picks up that the GOP members of Minnesota's delegation will get the most out of the stimulus bill even though they voted against it.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison says he's haunted by the images from his trip to Gaza.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann writes an op-ed saying the federal government needs to be more transparent.

2008 U.S. Senate Race

The Senate trial picks up speed. 10 elections officials testify. MPR, the Pi Press and AP have stories.

The Star Tribune says Coleman's campaign says some of the ballots shouldn't be counted b/c of a previous ruling.

Cass County's Auditor said both campaigns were trying to cherry-pick favorable votes.

MinnPost points out that there are overworked public defenders working at the same time that the Senate trial is going on.


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