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The Daily Digest: 2-24-09

Happy Fat Tuesday. One thing that isn't fat anymore is the stock portfolios and retirement funds for millions of Americans. The Dow continued its free fall yesterday.


Gov. Pawlenty says he'll accept stimulus aid. He was in Washington D.C. as a part of the NGA. He and others suggest that the federal government can learn from states.

President Obama also announces that he's releasing $15 billion in stimulus aid for Medicaid.

Federal stimulus money will help but not cure the transit budget deficit.

MPR wonders whether the money will filter down to college students.

The Star Tribune says Minnesota could lose a Pell Grant boost.

Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak cuts 33 people from budget. He said it would have been worse without federal money. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

Under the Dome

The budget balancing road tour continues. Legislative listening hearings will continue this week in the Twin Cities.

Metrodome officials argue that a new Vikings stadium would mean jobs.

The Star Tribune says the team is running up against a tough D (as in deficit).

MinnPost says the stadium trial balloon hits some turbulence.

Perhaps a Sage Rosenfels trade will change the Vikings luck?

Arts advocates groups lobby at the State Capitol today.

The Star Tribune chases an MPR story that was picked up by the AP on the proposed $1 billion biosciences project near Rochester.


The FBI says a Minneapolis man may have carried out a suicide bombing overseas. MPR and the Pi Press have stories.

President Obama delivers his first speech to Congress.

Gary Locke is Obama's third pick for Commerce Secretary.

Obama's auto team drives imports.

New emissions rules for cars are in the works.

Gov. Pawlenty urges President Obama to invest in energy.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar meets with local leaders in northern Minnesota.

Klobuchar also writes an op-ed on the prospect of bringing confidence back to the banking system.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum says she secured $20 million for the Central Corridor Light Rail line in the latest budget bill (no link yet).

GOP Rep. John Kline honors two Savage residents.

The DCCC is using GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann's "running out of rich people" comments to raise cash.

Bachmann counters with a fundraising letter of her own saying the DCCC is targeting her again.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar takes on White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs over the mileage tax. Oberstar said the Transportation Secretary got "slapped down."

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Norm Coleman's attorneys are about to finish their case in the recount trial. Forum Communications and AP have stories.

The Pi Press says the final question is how many tossed votes will be tallied.

More absentee ballots are ruled in and out.

Minnesota's Elections Director took the stand in the trial.

The chair of the NRSC writes a letter predicting Coleman will win.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar says being the state's only senator has not been problematic, yet.

Al Franken asks to create two new recount funds.