Minn. bill proposes closing DNR fish hatcheries

adult sturgeon swim in a 30 foot tank
Adult pallid sturgeon swim in a large tank at a hatchery near Yankton. Eggs from these fish are used to raise stock fish.
MPR Photo/Cara Hetland

A new bill proposes closing all the Department of Natural Resources fish hatcheries by 2014.

The DNR raises most of the fish it stocks, although it buys some from private hatcheries.

The bill authors are Rep. Denny McNamara, R-St. Paul, and Rep. David Dill, DFL-Crane Lake.

Dill says they introduced the bill to start a discussion on whether private producers can do it cheaper.

Ed Boggess is deputy director of the DNR's Division of Fish and Wildlife. He says the state operates five coldwater hatcheries and 12 warm-water hatcheries.

The bill proposes reducing production 20 percent from 2008 levels in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

It also calls for the DNR to close two of its three tree nurseries within two years and close the third by 2014.


Information from: Duluth News Tribune, http://www.duluthsuperior.com

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