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The Daily Digest: 3-9-09

The Star Tribune finishes playing Where's Waldo with Governor Pawlenty's staff and finds that several are paid partly by state agencies. Why does it matter? Because it makes Gov. Pawlenty's office budget look smaller than it really is. It also doesn't look good when Pawlenty ordered a 5% across the board cut in all state agencies. The Legislative Auditor and a Senate Democrat say they need to look more closely at the issue.

The Pi Press says we'll see the budget plans in a few weeks from the governor and DFLers in the House and Senate.

Some Democrats are predicting a huge fight with Pawlenty over the budget.

3 out of 4 of those polled in the latest Fox9 poll oppose using public funding for a new Vikings stadium.

MnDOT will hand out its first contracts from the stimulus later this week.

Lawmakers renew their push for a one-year moratorium on home foreclosures.

Several gay couples are reportedly planning a lawsuit that challenges the state's Defense of Marriage Act.

Proposed wind-energy transmission lines are facing mixed reaction.

Some state landowners see a profit in not cutting trees.

A lawmaker backs off his bill that would ban headwear, including hijabs, in driver's license photos.

A bill would give contract preferences to disabled veterans.

Lawmakers are examining a later school start date.

Advocates for the disabled rally against funding cuts.

A bill would define horses as livestock.


The Star Tribune takes a look at the earmark issue with a Minnesota bent.

President Obama will reverse former President Bush's stem cell policy.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is working to get a reprieve for Liberians living in the U.S.

Klobuchar attends Ted Kennedy's birthday bash.

GOP Rep. John Kline says he's working to protect the secret ballot by opposing union backed card check.

CQ examines GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen dodged President Obama's coattails.

Local groups have high hopes for stimulus money.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Voters are tired of the Senate trial drama.

MPR looks at who is paying for the Senate trial.

Politico says the Democrats need Franken now more than ever.

Franken lost his argument to get an election certificate.

The Star Tribune wonders whether there will be a second election.


A Fox9/Rasmussen poll says 61% of those polled don't think Pawlenty should run for President.