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Kline and Bachmann don’t want Guantanamo Bay detainees sent to state

GOP Rep. John Kline and GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann are pushing legislation that would forbid the transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees to Minnesota. Here's the release from Bachmann's office:

(Washington, DC) U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-6) and Congressman John Kline (MN-2) introduced legislation (H.R. 1566) that would prohibit the use of any federal funds to transfer or house Global War on Terror detainees now held at Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba anywhere in Minnesota.

"It is simply irresponsible to shut down a facility that houses known terrorists and transfer them to our neighborhoods," said Congresswoman Bachmann. "While I understand the interest of the White House in making this well-orchestrated PR move, these are very dangerous terrorists and they must be treated as such. To transfer them anywhere near Minnesota residents - or any American citizen for that matter, is a risk we cannot afford to take."

On January 22, 2009 President Obama announced his intention to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba. Last week, as the Administration has found our international partners increasingly unwilling to commit to resettling detainees on their soil, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that detainees could be released into the United States. It remains unclear whether Holder's announcement will entice European nations to accept detainees.

In addition to H.R. 1566, Congresswoman Bachmann is also a cosponsor of H.R. 1012, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to transfer the Global War on Terror detainees to anywhere in the U.S.
