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The Daily Digest: 4-2-09

MPR and the Star Tribune gather analysis as to why Republican Norm Coleman continues to fight for a U.S. Senate seat that has all but slipped from his grasp.

Coleman didn't talk to MPR or any other local news outlet but he did make some appearances on conservative talk radio like Fox News Radio (here's a rundown of his comments there) and the Jason Lewis show. He promised a prompt appeal.

Political pundit Charlie Cook tells Coleman to "stick a fork in it."

Politico says Democrat Al Franken would have to forego the celebrity baggage if he were to win.

The Pi Press takes a look at the ballot roundup.

KARE says the state may have to wait until summer to have a second senator.

Politico also says a big decision lies ahead for Gov. Pawlenty when it comes to the election certificate. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar says the GOP is playing with political dynamite. GOP Rep. John Kline says he hopes Pawlenty will "do the right thing" and "get this through the courts."

Under the Dome

Gov. Pawlenty will host a community forum in the Fargo-Moorhead area this morning.

A revamped Green Acres plan heads to Gov. Pawlenty's desk.

The Senate K12 bill cuts spending but not as deep as initially projected. MPR, Forum Communications and the Pi Press have stories.

The rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Minnesota has reached a new high.

Pawlenty approves stimulus money for roads.

Richfield is one of the cities that are struggling with budget cuts.

There's a push to allow all school employees to get health insurance.

A committee approves a bill that would allow cities to enact administrative citations for minor violations.

Fox9 covers the debate over raising the tobacco tax.

KARE says the number of child support cases is increasing.

The Star Tribune asks whether the renovations to the Minnesota Attorney General's office are too rich.

The Blandin Foundation announced $7 million for a forest preserve.

The Star Tribune picks up on a story that has been out there for four days - plans for a new state park have faltered.


The House passed a bill to limit executive pay. Minnesota's delegation voted down party lines.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison says he's skeptical of the troop escalation in Afghanistan.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar calls for a national reporter shield law.

She also writes an op-ed on health care.

Most Republicans boycott a hearing on President Obama's judicial nominee. Klobuchar is mentioned.

The head of the Consumer Products Safety Commissions says the toy lead law still applies to ATVs and dirt bikes.

The Senate is making it harder to pass the global warming bill. Klobuchar is mentioned.

The federal government proposes delisting wolves in the Great Lakes area.

The Ag Secretary stops short of endorsing mandatory Animal ID. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

The GOP proposes tax and spending cuts as a part of their budget plan.

The Isanti County News writes about Twin Cities to Duluth rail. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

2010 Watch

Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak touts a recent meeting with the Obama Administration and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The head of the Democratic Governor's Association says Minnesota is on their target list.

2012 U.S. Senate Race

A spokesman for the NRSC says Klobuchar is a top target.