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The Daily Digest: 4-20-09

The House Tax Committee will release a bill that details which taxes they plan to raise to balance the budget. The bill will be released this morning. The Senate tax bill will be released tomorrow.

Lobbyists for local governments will be watching the tax debate closely - and there will be plenty of them. MPR has found that local governments have doubled their spending on lobbying in ten years.

The Pi Press looks at the digital download tax proposal.

The public will have a chance to comment this week on a nuclear power plant expansion in Red Wing.

Minnesota's bid to end long-term homelessness is faltering.

An audit recommends the state end ethanol subsidies.

Rules protecting the Mississippi River may get updated.

The Minnesota Senate voted for an Ag and Vets bill that spends less for Ag and more for Vets.

The Senate also approved cuts to college budgets.

Administration Commissioner Dana Badgerow says bye-bye for a job at the Better Business Bureau.

A bill being considered would restrict some public access to U of M info.

More and more people are visiting state parks.

2008 Race for Senate

Democrat Al Franken begins to hire staff for his Washington D.C. office even though he doesn't have an election certificate yet.

GOP Sen. Norm Coleman is expected to file his appeal later today or tomorrow in the recount trial. He'll rely on the "equal protection" argument.

AP takes a look at the members of the Minnesota Supreme Court. The court that has shunned politics will hear the appeal.

The Star Tribune examines Gov. Pawlenty's options on the election certificate.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is raising $1 a day from supporters who want to "Make Norm go away."

CNN's Larry King said "I'm not going to pull a Norm Coleman and take this to the courts," when talking about the Twitter battle.


The White House says they won't seek more money to help out banks.

President Obama says reaching out to the nation's enemies helps strengthen the U.S. The comments came one day after he shook hands with Venezuela's president.

He will also tackle some credit card companies that jack up rates.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar continues to work for Roxana Saberi's release.

Klobuchar also appeared on CNN's State of the Union. You can find the transcript here.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz visits Austin.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison and GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann trade a few barbs.

SmartPolitics says Bachmann's media blitz has increased state, not national donations.

Here's a list of projects requested by members of Minnesota's delegation.

Somalis and the FBI in other cities are watching for terrorist recruiting.