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The Daily Digest: 4-29-09

Arlen Specter's decision to switch parties puts additional attention on Minnesota's Senate race. If Franken wins the contest, Democrats in the U.S. Senate will have a filibuster-proof majority. MPR, the Star Tribune, AP, the Wall Street Journal and the Pi Press have stories.

Specter says he was at odds with the GOP.

The Wall Street Journal said Gov. Pawlenty is one of those who could revive the party.

The GOP also points to Rep. Erik Paulsen's 2008 victory as a success.

Under the Dome

Gov. Pawlenty

speaks at Harvard tonight.

Pawlenty canceled speech to deal with possible case of swine flu in Minnesota.

DFLers in the Legislature and members of the Pawlenty administration start arguing about the budget table, the size of the budget table and what should be on the budget table. The Pi Press, Forum Communications and PIM have stories.

Minnesota seniors are getting worried about pending budget cuts.

Minnesota aims to boost its nursing home ratings.

The New York Times says same sex marriage holds peril for the GOP. Pawlenty is mentioned.

Two plans allocate outdoors tax funds.

The Senate gives preliminary approval to a bill that bans certain plastics.

Some are calling for greater testing on the reliability of biodiesel.


The CDC says swine flu claims its first victim in the U.S.

President Obama holds a primetime news conference tonight to talk about his 1st 100 days in office.

The Washington Post looks at Obama's first 100 days.

The Minnesota Poll finds that more than a majority of those polled support President Obama's stimulus and budget plans.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann said it's interesting that swine flu occurred under Democrats. She made a major mistake since swine flu last occurred under GOP President Gerald Ford. Here's the video.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar makes the push for a mileage tax.

Reuters says the clock is ticking on the transportation bill.

MinnPost says there are record amounts of road construction in northeastern Minnesota.

The Senate confirms Kathleen Sebelius as HHS Secretary.