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Ad targets Pawlenty on election certificate

Americans United for Change, a DFL leaning group, is buying cable television ad time in the Twin Cities and Rochester to deliver its message. The ad asks the Republican governor to do his legal duty if the court declares Democrat Al Franken the winner. That declaration isn't expected any earlier than June. But the group's spokesman, Donald McFarland, says it's not too early to start running the ad.

"It's time now to make sure that the governor knows that when and if the supreme court does rule that Al Franken is our next senator, that no time be wasted for him to sign the election certificate," McFarland said. "Minnesotans want that signed immediately. And we want to start making sure the governor knows that now, and we'll keep reminding the governor of that through the next several weeks."

McFarland say the ad buy is in the five figures and will run through next week. Governor Pawlenty says he will follow the law with respect to the litigation and when and how an election certificate gets issued.

Here's the ad: