Heather McElhatton takes a swipe at chick lit

Heather McElhatton
Twin Cities writer Heather McElhatton explores the trials of being a single woman in the modern age in her new novel, "Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Single."
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

McElhatton burst onto the publishing scene two years ago with her first book, "Pretty Little Mistakes," which allowed readers to chose the outcome of her characters' lives.

Before that she worked at various different jobs, including as a producer at Minnesota Public Radio.

McElhatton's new novel is based in part on her dating experiences, and also on the six months she worked at the old Dayton's department store.

It's called "Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Single." It's a story about a woman working at a family-owned Minneapolis department store.

Heather McElhatton reads from the book Tuesday evening at the Magers and Quinn bookstore in Minneapolis.

She talked with MPR's Euan Kerr.

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