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The Daily Digest

Health care leads the digest today.

A key senate panel rejects the "public option."

A study shows that Minnesota has a lot to lose if health care reform fails.

AP fact-checks President Obama's claims of hardship regarding health care.

Obama will announce $5 billion in research grants.

The Senate is set to release a bill that aims to reduce greenhouse gases.

The U.S. and Cuba held unannounced talks.

A GOP Rep. says Obama is an "enemy of humanity."

The White House taps a Minnesota legislator to head an energy-working group.

The Treasury Secretary is making the case for quick action on financial reform.

Congress has banks rethinking overdraft fees.

A former Democratic fundraiser is sentenced for fraud.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar wants congressional action on obesity and safety.

The Hill says DFL Sen. Al Franken is trying to be low-key.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz encourages public discussion on Afghanistan. He made the comments on MPR's Midday.

GOP Rep. John Kline writes an op-ed on his hope to fully fund IDEA at schools.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum says she's introducing the ACORN act to stop corporations convicted of a felony from receiving federal funds. She dubbed it The Against Corporations Organizing to Rip-off the Nation Act of 2009 (ACORN Act).

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann poses for a conservative calendar.

The transportation bill delay could stall state projects. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Under the Dome

Gov. Pawlenty and Republicans in the MN House and Senate continue their business round table talks today.

The Rochester High Speed Rail backers will hold a press conference today on a new study. Who wants to bet that it says high-speed rail should go through Rochester?

A conservative group and some GOP candidates for governor will call for a formal investigation into ACORN's activities in Minnesota.

Attorney General Lori Swanson will announce today that she's suing two out of state insurance companies for fraud.

She also sued an employment agency.

Public Safety Commissioner Michael Campion outlines his ideas for a new anti-gang unit.

The Senate Transportation Chair says he will work to pass a bill that requires cell phone use to be "hands free cell." Gov. Pawlenty doesn't support it.

The MPCA fines a dairy $10,000 for spilling manure.

The PUC approves a rate increase for Xcel Energy but it isn't as big as the company wants.

MnDOT will meet with critics over minority hiring.


Patty Wetterling backs Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner for governor.

MinnPost says the Teamsters decision to back R.T. Rybak for governor even though he isn't officially running for governor is unusual.

What if the mayors of St. Paul or Minneapolis are elected governor? Here's a checklist of what happens next.

Unions and former Vice-President Walter Mondale back Tarryl Clark for Congress.

Former GOP Sen. Norm Coleman pens a fundraising letter for GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty appeared on the Fred Thompson Radio show. You can listen to it here.

Gov. Pawlenty hires a high profile campaign attorney.

WCCO executives tell DFLers that they won't make changes to the governor's show.

Pawlenty speaks in Rapid City, SD on Friday night.