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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty is headed to Iowa, fueling speculation that he's on track for a 2012 run. AP, the Washington Post and the Star Tribune have stories.

The Des Moines Register says Pawlenty was the second choice of the Iowa GOP. They were aiming for Sarah Palin.

The DFL mocks Pawlenty's travel.

Conservatives are also saying Pawlenty should investigate ACORN.

Pawlenty says he's already doing it.

Under the Dome

MnSCU's enrollment increased seven percent.

The Commissioner of Public Safety wants video in every squad car. He also released a new plan for the anti-gang unit. The Star Tribune and MPR have stories.

The Rochester Post-Bulletin has a story saying MnDOT should go through Rochester.

Some Minnesota clergy will endorse gay marriage rights.

The Star Tribune looks at stimulus money coming to Minnesota.


The Senate Health bill will cost $829 billion and will reduce the deficit.

Pawlenty also doubts the CBO and complains of the taxes in the health reform bill during an appearance on Fox Business.

President Obama's national security team meets on Afghnistan.

U.S. support for the Afghan war declines.

Lawmakers offer plans for detainees.

Democrats may extend tax credits for homes.

The U.S. Senate approves an apology to American Indians.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she backs the value added tax.

Senate Democrats say they may be open to expanding nuclear energy to climate change bill. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz and DFL Rep. Betty McCollum want bills on the internet for 72 hours before a vote.

Walz also said he doesn't think a vote to strip Charlie Rangel's Ways and Means Chairmanship "will have a big impact" on him.

Pork Producers request federal help. Walz, GOP Rep. John Kline, DFL Rep. Collin Peterson and DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar are mentioned.

GOP Rep. John Kline wants a review of ACORN and federal programs.

GOP Erik Paulsen wrote an op-ed warning of a financial iceberg dead ahead.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann said on CNN's Larry King "I have no reason to doubt that he wasn't born in the United States. I have none. The only place that this issue comes up is on the left. You don't hear people on the right bringing this issue up."

Bachmann also sits down for an interview with the Financial Times where she said "People are beginning to realize that Obama is a socialist," said Ms Bachmann. "And that is not the way America is."

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison makes a wager with a New York City based Congressman over the Twins/Yankees series.

The Upper Midwest's largest solar farm breaks ground.


Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball says Minnesota's governor's race will put on a "circus" for the rest of the nation to see.

The St. Paul Legal Ledger says there's buzz around GOP state Sen. Julie Rosen.


A Minnesota soldier, Major Tad Hervas of Coon Rapids, died in Iraq.