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The Daily Digest

The state will release Minnesota's unemployment rate for September this morning. Analysts are looking for signs of improvement in the report. Gov. Pawlenty hinted on Tuesday night that "Minnesota is separated, in a good way, from the national average."

The Pi Press says the long-term jobless see their safety net disappear.

Fourth and eighth graders continue to score near the top of the nation in math but the racial achievement gap is still problematic. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

Flu outbreaks continue to surge in Minnesota schools.

A committee looks at the costs of the mental health system in the justice system.


Vice-President Biden and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood both visit Minnesota today. Biden will attend a private fundraiser in Edina. LaHood gives a speech at noon and tours the St. Paul Union Depot with DFL Rep. Betty McCollum this afternoon.

Federal indictments worry Somalis.

7,500 tax dodgers apply for amnesty under an IRS program.

Another GOP Senator is open to the health overhaul.

Proponents of the public option hold rallies in Minnesota.

President Obama seeks $250 payments to seniors.

Obama will visit New Orleans today.

Some Minnesota businesses are battling with the U.S. Chamber over climate change legislation.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar offers a student loan bill for service members.

Klobuchar spoke to the the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce last night.

The House allows states to sell funds linked to Iran. GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen is mentioned.

The New York Times profiles GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.

The paper also examines Politifact's fact-checking of Bachmann's statements.

Bachmann and DFL Rep. Keith Ellison top the list of House members who missed votes. Here's a round up of the entire delegation.

AT&T slams Google for call blocking. The service reportedly blocked calls to the campaign office of DFL Rep. Collin Peterson.

The House passed an aviation safety bill. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Oberstar and clean air advocates disagree over efforts to curb pollution on the Great Lakes.


The Dow broke 10,000 for the first time in more than a year.

2010 Race for Governor

Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball said Democrats have a good shot at winning Minnesota.

Social issues topped the first multi party candidate debate among candidates for governor. Eleven of the candidates participated in a hunger forum on Wednesday. The Star Tribune, the Pi Press, MPR, Forum Communications and ECM have stories.

You can listen to the full debate here.

City Pages profiles DFL state Rep. Paul Thissen.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty is headed to California today. He's scheduled to speak to the Western CPAC tomorrow.

The Star Tribune picks up on Jewish Week's story that former GOP Sen. Norm Coleman is backing Gov. Pawlenty for president.

2010 Race for Congress

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen raised $317k in the 3rd Quarter. He has $725k left in the bank.

Bachmann raised $89,000 in one day.

Republican Aubrey Immelman may challenge GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann in the primary.

GOP Rep. John Kline kicked into some cash to a Republican running in New Mexico.