Another Mpls. lawsuit likely over 35W bridge wreckage

Another lawsuit from the Interstate 35W bridge collapse is looming - this one over rusting wreckage that has kept a Minneapolis park fenced off for two years.

The Minneapolis park board wants twisted steel beams removed from a riverside park known as the Bohemian Flats. Bridge parts have been stored there since the 2007 collapse.

Attorney Ann Walther told a Hennepin County judge Thursday that the city is losing parking revenue and wants to reopen the area to patrons. Walther said she would follow the judge's suggestion to file a separate lawsuit rather than mixing the matter with dozens of personal injury and wrongful death cases.

State officials say some pieces must be cut before they're moved. Two engineering companies being sued in the collapse want the evidence preserved until expert analysis is done.

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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