On Campus Blog

Carlson biz undergrad program ranking slips

The U of M's Carlson School of Management has slipped from from #55 last year to #67 this year in Bloomberg Businessweek's ranking of undergraduate business schools.

The slippage caused the snarky local U blog, The Periodic Table, to crack the whip and say: The Morrill Hall Gang had better start taking care of business in the here and now. 

It added with displeasure that Carlson placed last among campuses it considers its "aspirational peers." (That would be Berkeley, Michigan, Texas, Illinois, Penn State, University of Washington, Wisconsin, Florida, and Ohio State.)

I've got a call or two out to the Carlson folks. If this report is anything like the US News & World Report college rankings, school officials will slam it as as short-sighted, shallow and misleading. (And then they'll work like the dickens to bring it back up -- and tout any improvement they make in the future. It's only natural.)

Interesting note: Teaching quality got a B, facilities and services only a C, but their job placement services got an A. Graduates' comments on the rankings site seem to back that up. And Carlson's MBA program is listed on the site as having the highest-paid MBA alumni. (And perhaps the jobs thing is what it's all about in the end.)

Anyway, you can see what it used to rank the schools here.

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