On Campus Blog

How St. Olaf lost a potential student

Calebrw via Wikimedia Commons

You can't please everyone

Here's a blog post I stumbled upon by a parent who just recently finished a campus tour of St. Olaf.

I'm always curious what they and their children think of campuses. In this case, they didn't think much of what they saw:

  • an overly frank tour guide;

  • a dark, "horrible" music building with an unimpressive program; and

  • a "strange" admissions process that allowed only students to talk to the admissions officer.

Don't take this reposting as a knock on St. Olaf. After all, you win some, you lose some in the recruiting game. And if you scroll to the bottom of the post, you'll see the college has found a defender.

So parents and students: What have been your experiences with campus tours? And have you blogged about them?

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