Hecker ordered to detail how he spent insurance

Denny Hecker, the former big-time Twin Ciites auto dealer, is in trouble again.

A federal bankruptcy judge has ordered Hecker to turn over more than $100,000, apparently by Thursday afternoon. The judge ruled Hecker must give the money to the trustee overseeing Hecker's bankruptcy.

The trustee says Hecker got the money by cashing in life insurance policies and Hecker has tried to hide the money. The trustee maintains the money should have been set aside to pay creditors in Hecker's bankruptcy. Hecker owes creditors hundreds of millions of dollars.

Hecker could go to jail if he defies the judge's order, but he already has pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges and faces 10 years in prison when he is sentenced. Hecker was charged with defrauding Chrysler Financial Services and a number of banks.

Hecker was also charged with committing bankruptcy fraud by trying to hide assets.