Mark Dayton meets with DFL legislative leaders

While the Minnesota Supreme Court was considering Republican's Tom Emmer's recount lawsuit today, Democrat Mark Dayton met with House and Senate DFL leaders about the 2011 legislative session.

Dayton spent an hour in a state Capitol conference room with Senate Minority Leader Tom Bakk and House Minority Leader Paul Thissen.

Afterwards, Dayton said the conversation touched on taxes, human services spending and a Vikings stadium bill. Dayton said he hopes to meet next week with the new Republican majority leaders.

"We'll find a lot of areas of agreement with our Republican counterparts. We've all emphasized the importance of jobs and economic growth. I think we'll find a lot of common ground there," he said. "We're obviously going to have our areas of disagreement. We'll have disagreement among ourselves."

Dayton said he not presuming anything until the recount is settled until he has a signed election certificate, but he also said his meetings are under the assumption that he'll be governor on Jan. 3.

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