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Dayton, Senate GOP leaders meet

Dayton meets with Senate GOP leadership from tommy scheck on Vimeo.

Dayton meets with Senate GOP (Part2) from tommy scheck on Vimeo.

Governor-elect Mark Dayton says he plans to work closely with Republicans in the coming months to try to grow jobs and boost Minnesota's economy.

DFLer Dayton made the pledge today following a private meeting with Senate GOP majority leaders about the 2011 session. Both sides say job creation is a common concern, and they hope to reach quick agreement on legislation. Dayton told reporters that he wants to streamline business regulations and speed up the response of state agencies.

"If the Legislature chooses to codify those timetables for a response, we'd work with them to make sure that they're reasonable and allow for public input, but that they also do permit businesses to get moving, get started and to expand," Dayton said.

Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch of Buffalo said she welcomed Dayton's proposal. She also said members of her caucus are open to all job-creating ideas, and they will have many of their own.

Dayton and Senate Republicans leaders also talked briefly about the prospects a new Vikings stadium bill.

Assistant GOP Senate Majority Leader Geoff Michel of Edina said the stadium issue took up about a minute and a half of the half-hour meeting. Despite last weekend's collapse of the Metrodome roof, Michel said the budget must come first.

"The picture, the photo, the You Tube is dramatic," Michel said. "But I don't think it's anymore dramatic or anymore urgent than the state of our economy. Our economy has deflated. Our state jobs picture has flatlined."

Dayton says he would support a stadium paid for through user fees, but not state tax money. He also says the project must provide an economic benefit to the state.

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