Pawlenty Minn. archives range from dry to personal

Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty's personal side peeks out of the archives from his eight years as governor, such as handwritten notes thanking Republican lawmakers for sticking with him during a tough legislative session two years ago.

The Minnesota Historical Society released the archives to the public Tuesday in about 50 boxes stored in St. Paul.

The likely Republican presidential candidate left the governor's office in January after two terms.

The collection has everything from Pawlenty's daily schedules and recordings of his radio show to thick legal files on a partial government shutdown, a disputed cigarette surcharge and his provocative use of executive power.

Some of the legal files don't show much of the behind-the-scenes strategy during Pawlenty's administration, but instead contain reams of court documents and letters between lawyers.

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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