The Cities Blog

Hipster mag lauds ‘small-town mayor’ Rybak

The ultra-hip Los Angeles-based online magazine Good just published a glowing article about Mayor R.T. Rybak and the city he leads.

The piece portrays Minneapolis as a bastion of bike paths and good government.

But when you share the link on Facebook, you may see a bit of coastal condescension.


I had to redact the four-letter word so as not to run afoul of MPR's style guidelines. But what's more offensive -- swearing, or referring to a city of 380,000 as a small town?

It appears Good may have realized the headline was a bit belittling. When I posted it on my own Facebook wall, the verbiage had been tweaked: "Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and the Art of Getting S%@# Done."

Much better.