Panel advises a $241M renovation of Minn. State Capitol

Capitol cleaning
Maintenance workers clean the exterior of the Minnesota State Capitol dome in September 2010. An advisory panel sent a report to the state Legislature Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012 calling for a $241 million renovation of the building.
MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson

An advisory panel sent a report to the state Legislature Wednesday calling for a $241 million renovation of the Minnesota Capitol building.

Members of the Capitol Preservation Commission did not recommend how to pay for the project. The report outlined scenarios using up to three bonding bills to cover the full cost.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Dave Senjem raised concerns about the estimated price tag, saying he'd prefer taking an incremental approach to the needed renovations.

"In my view you ought to probably take a look at the outside shell first," Senjem said. "Let's get the thing stabilized, and beyond that let's incrementally look at the systems and find out what the priorities are. Whether it's ventilation, whether it's electric whether it's office space or whatever."

Gov. Mark Dayton said the bonding proposal he'll unveil next week will not include the Capitol renovation. But Dayton said he hopes the Legislature considers at least part of the project during the 2012 session.

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