Minn. GOP agenda: jobs, schools, government reform

Republicans in the Minnesota House and Senate say they're ready to improve the state's business climate, help failing schools and modernize government operations.

GOP leaders Thursday outlined an aggressive reform agenda they'll push during the 2012 session, which begins next Tuesday. Their list of three dozen proposals includes a phase out of business property taxes, a path for mayors to take charge of failing urban schools and a reduction in the state workforce.

During a news conference, Republican House Speaker Kurt Zellers said Minnesotans expect changes and improvements.

"This is actually reform for the sake of the reform," Zellers said. "This is not a Republican agenda. It's not a Democrat agenda. It's not an independent agenda. This is a Minnesota agenda. This is reforming for the sake of the taxpayers of our great state."

The GOP list did not include several constitutional amendment proposals that are expected to get serious consideration during the session.

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