Minnesota Senate leaders on income tax hike, Vikings stadium

Gov. Dayton's reception for lawmakers
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, left, and Senate Majority Leader David Senjem visit during a reception the Governor held for lawmakers on the first day of the 2012 legislative session Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012 at the State Capitol.
MPR Photo/Jennifer Simonson

Session 2012 at the state Capitol has not been as tumultuous as last session with its budget deficit and state government shutdown. But lawmakers have had a full plate and there's not much time left to resolve some of the most pressing issues before they adjourn in May.

Gov. Mark Dayton was on The Daily Circuit last Monday to talk about tax policy, the Vikings stadium and his anger with some of the decisions Senate Republicans have made. On Monday, we talked with the House leaders.

On Wednesday, Senate Republican Majority Leader David Senjem and Democratic Minority Leader Tom Bakk join us in the studio to discuss income tax hikes and the Vikings stadium bill.

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