Teen pot use rate climbs to new high

WASHINGTON (AP) -- More teens are smoking pot.

A new survey of young people by The Partnership at Drugfree.org says nearly 1 in 10 teens light up at least 20 or more times a month. The group also says abuse of prescription medicine may be easing a bit among young people in grades 9 through 12, but still remains high.

Partnership President Steve Pasierb says the mindset among parents is that it's just a little weed or a few pills, and it's no biggie.

"Parents are talking about cocaine and heroin, things that scare them," and not prescription drugs and marijuana, Pasierb said.

The group says the use of harder drugs -- cocaine and methamphetamine -- has stabilized in recent years, but the use of marijuana grew from 19 percent in 2008 to 27 percent last year.

Pasierb also says the percentage of teens smoking pot 20 or more times a month has jumped from 5 percent in 2008 to 9 percent last year.

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