Officials mark year since N. Mpls. tornado

Tornado memorial tree
Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels (left) and Mayor R.T. Rybak plant a Black Hills Spruce in Janet Carstens' yard on Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Carstens' husband Rob MacIntyre died last year as he helped a neighbor clear away tornado damage. Behind the tree (left to right), state Sen. Linda Higgins, council member Diane Hofstede and Rep. Bobby Jo Champion help get the tree in place. The group was on hand to remember MacIntyre and Floyd David Whitfield, who was killed by a falling tree limb.
MPR Photo/Brandt Williams

Local and state elected officials marked the one-year anniversary of the Minneapolis tornado Tuesday morning by remembering two men who died as a result of the storm.

The group gathered to plant a tree at the home of Rob MacIntyre, who died while trying to help neighbors clear debris. They also remembered Floyd David Whitfield who was killed by a falling tree.

Mayor R.T. Rybak says MacIntyre's willingness to help his neighbors in a time of crisis should be an inspiration to others.

"We hope, throughout the day as people are looking at the way to mark this day, is that they will simply find a way to first turn to a neighbor and say 'we're really blessed you're here,' " the mayor said.

A fund in MacIntyre's name has been created with Tree Trust. The non-profit group will start planting flowering trees in north Minneapolis this fall.

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