Coming next week: TV ads on Congress, Legislature

Associated Press

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — TV ads about Republican Rep. Chip Cravaack, Democrat Rick Nolan and the Republican-controlled Minnesota Legislature are expected to start next week.

Political groups including the national Republicans and Democrats and Democratic allies have booked more than $2 million of network ad time between Tuesday and the Nov. 6 election. The amount is expected to grow as the election approaches.

The House Majority PAC bought $51,000 of time starting Tuesday as part of a push to put Democrats in control of the U.S. House. Spokesman Andy Stone says the group plans to spend $900,000 as it focuses on the 8th District race between Cravaack and Nolan.

The Alliance for a Better Minnesota will start running ads Wednesday focused on races for the Minnesota Legislature, after booking $182,000 in ad time.