Book pick: 'The Oath' by Jeffrey Toobin

'The Oath' by Jeffrey Toobin
Book cover courtesy of publisher

Kerri's book Pick of the Week is 'The Oath' by Jeffrey Toobin. Kirkus Reviews calls it "shrewd and elucidating."

Here's what The Washington Post says:

The many pleasures of "The Oath" come not from scoops about how cases were decided but from human details about the justices and their interactions with the White House. The book begins with an account of Roberts's flubbed administration of the oath of office at President Obama's inauguration, and we learn that the perfectionist Roberts, who had memorized the oath and was thrown off by Obama's timing, supported the surprise request by the president's lawyers fora do-over. ("I always believe in belt and suspenders," Roberts told Greg Craig, the White House counsel.)