Is America on track to end veteran homelessness?

Homeless veteran
A homeless war veteran explains his plight hoping for assistance while standing along Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, Calif., on August 22, 2012.

The Obama administration set a goal to end veteran homelessness by 2015. To reach its goal, it has encouraged innovative solutions from boot camps to mobile apps.

Where are we at in ending or decreasing veteran homelessness? What are these new innovations and are they actually working or improving current processes? What more needs to be done to continue decreasing homelessness and ensuring permanent housing?

Laura Green Zeilinger, United States Interagency Council on Homelessness director of national engagement and field support, will join The Daily Circuit Wednesday to update us on the progress of te plan. Beth Sandor, director of improvement for Community Solutions' 100,000 Homes campaign, and Veterans Affairs Innovation Initiative Director Jonah J. Czerwinski will also join the discussion.