Q & A: Local government aid, property tax changes in Dayton's budget proposal

Mark Dayton
Gov. Mark Dayton presents his budget proposal to the media Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013 at the Department of Revenue in St. Paul.
MPR Photo/Jennifer Simonson

Among the proposals in Gov. Mark Dayton's budget plan are of number of changes to the state's local government aid formula and local governments' collection of property tax.

The governor is proposing a property tax rebate of up to $500 to all homeowners, and an increase of $80 million in local government aid to municipalities.

Gary Carlson with the League of Minnesota Cities joined All Things Considered's Tom Crann to talk about the proposal.


Story: Dayton's budget plan includes higher taxes, spending
Details: Sales tax changes
Highlights: Dayton's budget proposal
Link: Read the entire budget
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