Dayton's tax proposals: Take 2

Gov. Dayton media availability
Governor Mark Dayton answered questions from the media at the State Capitol last year.
MPR Photo/Jennifer Simonson

Political observers have remarked that it took some doing to find a tax initiative that would generate stiffer opposition than higher taxes on the wealthy. Gov. Mark Dayton managed to do it with his proposal for a business-to-business services tax.

Last week, Dayton retreated from that proposed tax on business services. But other controversial items remain in play — notably his plan to raise income taxes on the state's highest earners. He'll release his revised budget plan this week.

Rep. Ann Lenczewski, chair of the House Taxes Committee, and Sen. Julianne Ortman, ranking minority member of the Senate Taxes Committee, join The Daily Circuit on Monday, March 11, to discuss the governor's tax proposals and other issues facing the state.

Check out last week's conversations on the Daily Circuit with leaders of the Minnesota House and the Minnesota Senate.

"A better state budget omits services." Before Dayton dropped the business tax, an editorial in the Star Tribune suggested ways to get along without it.

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