Gun purchase background checks struggling to find sufficient support at State Capitol

"A leading gun control supporter at the Minnesota Capitol said he is giving up on legislation that would require universal background checks for gun buyers," writes MPR News reporter Matt Sepic. Excerpt:

"What I have fought for since the session started, I am relinquishing that," said House DFLer Michael Paymar after failing to muster the votes in the committee he chairs to pass the measure.

However, Paymar says there is support among lawmakers for expanding background checks to gun shows.

But that's a nonstarter among Republicans, said Rep.Tony Cornish, R-Good Thunder.

"They have never proven in any of their testimony that there is any amount of crime guns that come from gun shows. All their statistics have been turned upside down," Cornish said.

We look at the progress of gun control legislation at the state capitol, and the debate over whether any legislation should include universal background checks for gun buyers.

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