Stadium Watch Blog

Another Minnesota stadium collapse!

Photo from Fox 21 News, Duluth

Ok, it's no Metrodome deflation, but, once again, another landmark Minnesota sports facility has suffered a partial collapse.

This time, it's Wade Municipal Stadium, home of the Duluth Huskies. Fox 21 News in Duluth has a good picture of the damage:

Photo from Fox 21 News, Duluth

This is bad news for the Huskies, who want to attract more people to their 4,200 seat park -- although co-owner Mike Rosenzweig says they'll be playing ball there again on June 1.

This shot. from Google Maps, gives you a better idea of what happened to the wall along the first base line at Wade Stadium. It looks like the brick wall weakened above the pillars out beyond the grandstand and dugout area.

Wade Stadium


The city of Duluth asked the state for a $5.8 million grant for a $11.8 million upgrade to the place last year, but alas, didn't get it. They got beat out by St. Paul and the Saints. Here's the plea on behalf of Wade Stadium: