Book pick: "Cooked," by Michael Pollan

Cooked by Michael Pollan
The cover of "Cooked" by Michael Pollan.
Courtesy of the publisher

Kerri's book pick this week is "Cooked," the latest from science writer Michael Pollan. It's part history, part how-to, and part a call for Americans to pick up spatulas and mandolines.

"'Cooked' underscores that it has become too easy to unwrap, microwave, order in or otherwise dodge cooking chores — to the point where at-home food preparation skills are simply being lost," wrote Janet Maslin in The New York Times. "It is not encouraging to hear Harry Balzer, a food industry market researcher, tell Mr. Pollan that much of what people now call 'cooking' would have grandmothers spinning in their graves."

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