Did you see 'Saw'? Horror films and why we like them

Saw II
A still from the movie SAW II.
Photo credit: Steve Wilkie, courtesy of Lionsgate Entertainment

What makes a good horror movie? The director Alfred Hitchcock said, "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." Many successful movies, though, go straight to the bang.

When the website boston.com listed its picks for the 50 best horror films of all time, it offered these criteria:

1. Is the movie so scary that it could change one's behavior?
2. Does the movie have a high likelihood of producing nightmares in many people?
3. Does the movie startle you, make you anxious, get your heart pumping, or just plain gross you out?

Movie critic and author Mike Mayo's latest book, "The Horror Show Guide: The Ultimate Frightfest of Movies," covers the blood-drenched landscape of horror cinema — from the hokey, so-bad-they're-good films to the ones that make you scared to go to bed.

What's your favorite horror film? Or the one that's just too scary to get through alone?