On Campus Blog

More funny CSB/SJU library ads

Now that's gravitas (CSB/SJU)

Here's another installment in the in-house marketing campaign at the libraries of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University.

It follows last year's Halloween-style theme, which produced posters such as this one:

May I help you? (CSB/SJU)

(Those won us the team Honorable Mention for Outstanding Public Relations Efforts from the American Library Association.)

Librarian Sarah Gewirtz told me:

"We want students to feel like our libraries are comfortable places; inviting places, where they can go to study, read, or get help from a reference librarian. This specific campaign is for students to realize that we [librarians] aren’t scary, but fun, knowledgeable people that want to help them."

I wish my alma mater had shown this much personality.

Gewirtz said the staff is hoping to put out a new theme each year.

For now, you can see this year's poster series here and last year's here.