On Campus Blog

Where does the MnSCU crew stand on the system’s new direction?

We're being critical -- but we're on board. (GKarRacer via Flickr)

Last month, the Star Tribune editorial board praised the new direction taken by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system in its Charting the Future plan.

It liked the system's idea of having colleges stop competing so much and instead coordinate curricula and administrative functions to a degree not seen before, saying that by adopting the plan, "Battleship MnSCU began to turn last week."

Their recommendations, which now have the force of MnSCU policy, are geared to produce a more efficient and effective educational engine.

It also cautioned that the plan needs full faculty participation:

MnSCU’s faculty should understand that they share a mission to serve Minnesota, in institutions that are accountable to the public …

That statement (and more) drew this response by union activist and Metropolitan State University professor Monte Bute:

The editorial suggests that our demand that CTF recognize distinctive workforce missions between community and technical colleges and state universities is insubordination. The newspaper also implies that our cautionary warning that CTF honor local control and decentralization is obstructionist. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

You can read his full reaction here.

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