Seven lies and a fact about 'Lying'

'Lying' by Sam Harris
'Lying' by Sam Harris
Book cover courtesy of publisher

Spot the fact:

• Lies don't lead to other bad behavior.

• White lies are harmless.

• It's O.K. to tell a lie if you do it to spare someone's feelings.

• We talk with Sam Harris about his most recent book "Lying," which explores the rational, non-religious reasons to avoid lying.

• It's O.K. to lie to children because they won't know any better.

• If someone looks fat in a particular dress, and she asks whether the dress makes her look fat, it's better to say "No, not at all, are you kidding? You look fantastic!"

• If you tell lies, Santa Claus will put coal in your stocking.

• George Washington could not tell a lie.


Why Jimmy Kimmel's Lies Matter

As you watch the above video and listen to the laughter of Kimmel's studio audience, do your best to see the world from the perspective of these unhappy children. Admittedly, this can be difficult. Despite my feelings of horror over the whole project, a few of these kids made me laugh as well — some of them are just so adorably resilient in the face of parental injustice. However, I am convinced that anyone who takes pleasure in all this exploited cuteness is morally confused. Yes, we know that these kids will get their candy back in the end. But the kids themselves don't know it, and the betrayal they feel is heartbreakingly genuine. This is no way to treat children. (Sam Harris, writing on The Daily Beast)

White Lies
Beauty is only skin deep. It matches your eyes. She has an interesting personality. You have an interesting face. Your poem is the best poem I've ever read. It was — interesting. I had a wonderful time. It was the best time I've ever had. I'll call you. I love foreign movies. Let's have lunch. We'll do it again sometime. (Ian Shoales, in "I Gotta Go: The Commentary of Ian Shoales")