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Video: New looks at the finished Vikings stadium

10:30 a.m. Update: Vikings are laying out seat prices and ticket detail this morning, including video they'll be showing fans as they sell tickets and "Stadium Builder Licenses." Tim Nelson is updating via Twitter.

Here's the information on personal seat licenses, which will be required for most seats:

Here's Nelson's post from earlier today:

The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority and the Vikings are going to unveil more about their plan to get about $125 million out of fans before the new stadium even opens in 2016. They're having a briefing at the 1010 Metrodome building, where the Vikings have set up the sales office and showroom for ticket buyers.

The MSFA, the team and its consultant Van Wagner Sports and Entertainment are going to be talking "details surrounding the Stadium Builder License (SBL) program for the new stadium." A release says the discussion will include "SBL pricing, financing options and transitional plans for Vikings season Ticket Members."

READ: Three reasons why Vikings fans may want to gamble on personal seat licenses

But we have known a lot about the seat licenses since October, when the team first laid out the facts and figures: the top price is $10,000. The cheap seats may be as low $500. The average is $2,500.

They also announced a financing plan in October: MSFA chairwoman Michele Kelm-Helgen said that buyers can pay for the seat licenses over three years without interest, and extend their payments with interest, over another five years. The sale is expected to take in $125 million , and net $100 million toward the construction of the stadium. That counts towards the Vikings share, you may remember.

The Vikings have also already laid out their plans for ticketing at TCF Bank stadium for 2014 and 2015.