Anatomy of the MPR Newsroom

Member Appreciation Week
Classical MPR appreciates MPR members this week
MPR Graphic / Tracy Kompelien

The MPR Newsroom, located at Minnesota Public Radio's St. Paul headquarters, is the largest broadcast newsroom in the Midwest, with over 82 staff members who work around the clock to provide you news. MPR News can be heard all over the region and reaches about 500,000 listeners on a weekly basis.

From reporters who research, record and edit their stories; editors who oversee the clarity and coverage of news; producers and directors who orchestrate programming; and hosts who present it to you each day, the newsroom is here to provide the best and most vital and interesting journalism possible to our Members, listeners and web visitors.

Keep reading to learn more about the newsroom and get a peek behind the scenes!

Special thanks to Chris Worthington, Mike Edgerly, Erik Stromstad and Steve Nelson. All photos by Eamon Coyne.

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